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Use Case: Real-time payments for Industries

Australian businesses across various industries are seeking efficient, cost-effective, and secure payment solutions in today’s evolving payments landscape. Pay by Bank, leveraging technologies such as PayID and PayTo, offers a new approach to managing transactions directly from bank accounts, modernising traditional legacy payments platforms and products.   

Azupay provides solutions directly to enterprise merchants, as well as partnering with banks and other major payments platform providers with a strong focus on delivering a new (real time) payments experience tailored for the needs of industry segments and customers. 

Azupay CEO, Andrew Baines, says “we recognise in Azupay that we are one part of a payment industry, infrastructure, solution and experience for both our direct merchants and customers and most importantly end payers moving to PayID and PayTo payment options.  Having been dedicated to that for nearly 5 years we have established a valuable understanding and experience of how end users are (or are likely) choosing now a Pay by Bank with PayID and PayTo option; expert knowledge and CX/UI solutions we can then discuss and implement with our Azupay customers.”

Here are some examples of the industries we are currently working with in now adopting and leveraging Pay by Bank with PayID and PayTo and experiencing significant benefits: 


Use Case: Booking and Reservation Payments 

Solution: Travel agencies, airlines, and online booking platforms are incorporating Pay by Bank to handle payments for flights, hotel reservations, and holiday packages. By using Pay by Bank with PayID or PayTo, customers can make payments directly from their bank accounts saving on surcharge and other fees. This can lead to cost savings for businesses and enhanced security against fraud. Our unique PayID email address is a “Copy, Paste, Pay” solution is fast and efficient and avoids the risks of incorrect details being manally entered.  More recently our PaybyBank (PayTo) solution allows you to enter your own PayID details in just a few clicks your booking is immediately confirmed, paid and settled. 


Use Case: Bill Payments 

Solution: Utility providers, including those for electricity, water, and gas, can utilise Pay by Bank for managing customer bill payments. By enabling payments through PayID or PayTo, these providers can offer a direct and secure payment option that is both user-friendly and efficient. This method reduces reliance on traditional payment channels, such as BPAY or manual bank transfers (being careful not to key in wrong numbers) lowers administrative costs associated with payment processing. Automated reconciliation of payments also becomes easier, leading to more accurate financial reporting and fewer billing errors. 


Use Case: Mobile and Internet Service Payments 

Solution: Telecommunications companies can implement Pay by Bank to simplify the payment process for monthly mobile phone and internet service bills. By integrating PayID or PayTo into their payment systems, telcos provide a direct link between the customer’s bank account and the service provider, streamlining the payment experience 24/7 365 days a year. This reduces the risk of late payments, lowers transaction fees compared to credit card payments, and provides real-time cash flow management for the telco. Additionally, it can enhance customer retention by offering a convenient and reliable 24/7 365 accessible bank account payment option where other payment types may not be possible. 


Use Case: Online and In-Store Purchases 

Solution: Retail businesses, both online and brick-and-mortar, can adopt Pay by Bank to process payments for purchases. For e-commerce, this means customers can complete transactions directly from their bank accounts using PayID or PayTo, leading to faster checkout times and reduced cart abandonment. In physical stores, Pay by Bank can be integrated into point-of-sale systems, offering a seamless and secure payment method. This approach helps retailers save on transaction fees, improve transaction security, and provide a more flexible payment option that can cater to a diverse customer base. 

Financial Services 

Use Case: Loan Repayments, Remittances, Currency Exchanges, and Payroll Disbursements 

Solution: Financial services institutions, including lenders, foreign exchange providers, and payroll services, can utilise Pay by Bank for various transactions. Lenders can facilitate loan repayments directly from borrowers’ bank accounts via PayID or PayTo, ensuring timely payments and reducing default risks. Currency exchange businesses can streamline transactions with direct bank payments, and payroll providers can disburse salaries efficiently and securely. Overall, using Pay by Bank in financial services enhances transaction speed, reduces operational costs, and improves customer satisfaction by offering a reliable and straightforward payment method. 


For businesses looking to explore the benefits of Pay by Bank with PayID and PayTo, Azupay is here to provide comprehensive guidance and support. Contact Azupay today to learn how these innovative payment solutions can transform your transaction processes and drive operational efficiency.